
Rabu, 02 April 2014

Jenis-jenis Tenses

Nama : Innasya Kusumadewi
Kelas : 4EA21
NPM  : 13210553
Jenis – Jenis Tenses
Pengertian, Contoh, dan Jenis Jenis Tenses
Melanjutkan pembahasan tentang pengertian modul, kali ini akan kita ulas mengenai pengertian tenses dan apa itu jenis jenis tenses yang ada. Yang mana macam tenses ada beberapa kelompok, untuk lebih jelasnya akan kita bahas satu persatu. Tenses merupakan perubahan kata kerja dalam kalimat yang berhubungan dengan waktu.

Di dalam bahasa Inggris ada beberapa jenis tenses yang digunakan, yaitu:
1. Present Tense
a. Simple Present Tense

POLA: S + V1

            S + is / am / are + C

Fungsinya adalah:

Menyatakan kebenaran umum, contoh:
The sun rises in the east.
A square has four equal sides.

Menyatakan kebiasaan, misalnya:
I usually get up at 4 o’clock every morning.
Ana takes shower everyday.

Menyatakan keadaan pada saat sekarang, misalnya:
Lucy is beautiful.
Prof. Arnold is a wise teacher.

Keterangan waktu : every day, every week, every month, today, at night, tonight, once a week, in the morning, generally, usually, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, now days, habitually, frequently.
b. Present Continuous Tense

POLA : S + has/ have + been + V-ing

Fungsinya adalah:

Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada saat sekarang.
Desi and Yuni are talking and drinking in Java Café right now.
Sarah is studying in her bedroom now.

Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitar saat sekarang/terjadi pada suatu periode.
The students are studying English this year.
Dody is building his own house.

Menanyakan situasi yang berubah
Is your English getting better?
The populations of the world is rising very fast.

Keterangan waktu : right now, at present, now, at this moment, today, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight
c. Present Perfect Tense
POLA : S + has/ have + V3
             S + has/ have + been + C


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang tela terjadi (akibatnya masih ada sampai sekarang)
I have published my book.
She has finished writing her thesis.
Dery has been in Indonesia since last year.

Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang tidak akan pernah/ belumm dilakukan dalam suatu periode waktu dan berlanjut sampai sekarang
I have never smoked.
She hasn’t written to me for nearly six months.
As a professional doctor, he has never made a mistake.

Keterangan waktu: for, since, today, recently, already, yet, lately, so far, ever, never, these years.
d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

POLA: S + has/ have + been + V-ing


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang telah dan sedang terjadi.
Fanny has been working here for three years.
They have been studying English in America since last year.
I have been waiting for you for over an hour.

Note: Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense mempunyai cirri-ciri yang sama. Perbedaanya adalah: pada Present Perfect Tense peristiwa/aktivitas sudah berakhir sedangkan pasa Present Perfect Continuous Tense peristiwa/aktivitasnya belum berakhir.

2. Past Tense

a. Simple Past Tense

POLA : S + V-2
            S + was / were + C


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang terjadi di waktu lampau.
I typed a letter yesterday.
I went to Baron beach last week.
I met a foreign tourist last month.

Keterangan waktu: yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year, the day before yesterday.
b. Past Continuous Tense

POLA: S + was/ were + V-ing


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau aktivitas yang sedang terjadi di suatu waktu lampau.
I was studying when my mother came.
Erna was taking a bath when the bell rang.

Keterangan waktu: all – (day), at – (five o’clock), last- (Sunday) then, that moment.
c. Past Perfect Tense

POLA: S + had + V3
            S + had + been + C


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau aktivitas yang telah terjadi di waktu lampau atau menyatakan peristiwa/ aktivitas yang telah terjadi sebelum peristiwa yang lain terjadi di waktu lampau.
Wulan had taken a baht when I came to pick her up.
Miss Retno went home after she had finished her teaching.

Keterangan waktu: when/before + clause (past), just, already.
d. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

POLA: S + had + been + V-ing


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang telah dan sedang terjadi di waktu lampau atau menyatakan peristiwa yang telah dimulai dan masih berlangsung ketika peristiwa lain terjadi di waktu lampau.
Dhea had been taking a bath for ten minutes when I came to pick her up.
Kaka had been playing badminton for two hours when it suddenly reained hard yesterday.

Keterangan waktu : for, since, when + clause (past)

3. Future Tense

a. Simple Future Tense

POLA: S + will + V1
            S + be going to  + V1


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas di waktu yang akan datang.
1) Penggunaan BE GOING TO
a) Aktivitas yang terencana
b) Hal-hal yang sebelumnya sudah diketahui.
c) Ada tanda-tanda
d) Pembicara (Speaker) yakin bahwa suatu peristiwa akan terjadi.
• Look! It’s cloudy. It’s going to rain.
• I know that my parents are very busy now. I am going to help them.

2) Penggunaan WILL
a) Mengungkapkan kemauan
• I am very tired. I will take a rest soon.
• I am very sleep. I will have an early night.
b) Menawarkan sesuatu
• That’s look heave. I’ll help you with it.
• I’ll lend you some money.
c) Menyatakan janji
• I won’t tell her what you said.
• I promise I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive.
d) Menyuruh seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu
• Will you please be quiet?
• Will you close the door, please?
e) Menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang diputuskan pada saat berbicara.
• “did you phone Harmonie?”
• “Oh, I forgot. I’ll do it now.”
f) Untuk menyatakan prediksi, WILL dan BE GOING TO dapat digunakan.
• Be carefull! You’ll hurt yourself.
• Be careful. You’re going to hurt yourself.

Keterangan waktu : tomorrow, later, soon, next seek/month/year, the day after tomorrow.
b. Future Continuous Tense

POLA: S + will + be + V-ing


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang akan sedang dilakukan (di waktu yang akan datang). Tense ini biasanya ditandai keterangan waktu tertentu.
I’ll be teaching at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
At this next month, I’ll be having graduation ceremony.

Keterangan waktu:
At this time, next week/ month
When S + v1
c. Future Perfect Tense

POLA: S + will + have +  V3
           S + will + have + been + C


Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang akan telah terjadi (di waktu yang akan datang).
I will have finished my study by the end of this month.

Keterangan waktu : by, by then, by the time--, by the end of ---, before the end of this week/ month/ year, before + clause (present), before + clause (present)
d. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
POLA: S + will + have + been + V-ing

Menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ aktivitas yang akan, telah, dan sedang terjadi (di waktu yang akan datang)
Brandon will have been working in the United States for five years by the end of the month.
Fay will have been teaching for an hour by the tome you come tomorrow morning.

Keterangan waktu : by--, for --, by the end of this week/ month/ year, by the time --.

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